Saturday, December 4, 2010

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Relevant Reading – Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Written by John Berendt, the book is based on actual events that took place in Savannah around the early 1980’s. The reader is introduced to a collection of eccentric characters that the author befriended during an extended visit to the city, including an antique dealer on trial for murder. The people of Savannah are described as a society very much in favor of tradition and maintaining the status quo, a characteristic largely responsible for the ambiance that exists there today and the preservation of many historic buildings. A good read and a great place to spend some time. If you take some time to sit in one of the squares and watch closely you might even see some of the characters from the book.
Watching the movie of the same name, starring Kevin Spacey and John Cusak and filmed on location, it was fun to recognize some of the landmarks of Savannah. Several characters in the movie were played by themselves. Lady Chablis, a glamorous female impersonator, was one of them and actually still performs at Club One in the historic district.

 Mercer House – where it all happened.
Lady Chablis, still on stage.

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